Another "best day of the season yet" here today
February 08, 2025
The wind is gone and the snow is beautiful. To today will feature very luxurious temps, with a trail system all open and groomed up for your skiing pleasure. Things are really nice around here. We are 100% open minus #'s8/12 and #7A which are closed due to logging operations. All the core trails will get groomed up fresh with fresh tracks set by around 9:30AM. Trail #1 was buffed out at the end of the day yesterday and the outer loop, trails #9,#10 and #6 were groomed last night with tracks set. I gave it some love so it is looking really nice down there. One water bar down in the bottom of Folsom Brook that is a bit funky but other than that it should ski great. As always it is expert skiers only and we recommend walking down the hill below the Bundy on #6. Stop in for details.
We are psyched for this weekend and to have such excellent conditions. More snow tonight with 5"-8" of fresh snow by mid day tomorrow. Tomorrow the storm looks to be rolling out in the morning so Sunday should prove to be an excellent day too. I will be out cranking around on that groomer making it nice for ya. Get up here and enjoy the trails.