Another dusting over night
January 13, 2022
Another dusting of snow fell overnight on the trails. It may help to soften things a little. There is still some skiing going on. Trails #2 and Rock N, Roll are thin but open. Expect thin conditions with some good skiing intermixed. Looking for that good snow storm to get things amped up again. I did about a two hour ski last night and it was fun. A little bit of a challenge, but some good kicking and gliding was had. Keep expectations low, enjoy the scenery, get the heart rate up. Call with questions.
We have a shop full of ski gear. We have ontrack and offtrack skis, backcountry touring gear, as well as skate and classic skis, poles, boots and ton of other accessories for your Nordic Pursuits. Also clothing and waxing supplies for your draggy skis. Come up and check it out.