A Late report this morning but we still have some pretty darn good skiing out there for Season Pass Holder's to enjoy. 100 days of skiing for us today. All on natural snow too!
It has been a great year for us and all of the nordic centers here in VT.
I did a bunch of grooming yesterday. It has only seen a few skiers since yesterday, and only a few skiers have gone out this morning. There is still mostly good coverage through out our groomed terrain. It rained pretty hard up here last night but a few folks skating this morning said it was great.
I: think this snow should provide another day or two of skiing. It looks pretty wet Wednesday night. Come get the last of your Ole's Gliding in for this season. Have a good day.
Here is a detailed trail report.
Trail #1- Has great coverage minus one bare spot in the fields that you will have to pop your skis off and walk across if you care about your skis. It is probably 10 ft long....really nice over there!
Trail #2- Great coverage minus two spots you have to get around that are probably 10 ft long.
Trail #3 Great coverage on the whole trail.
Trail #4 Good to excellent coverage on the entire trail
Trail #5 including the woods section has excellent coverage through out except for one small bony section just before the fields heading northerly and the usual road crossings, plus one grass spot 2ft wide you have to get over.
Trail # 11 Has great coverage. The entrance is a little more melted out than usual but the whole loop is there and skiing great mostly.
Total groomed for Skate and Classic skiing is approx 20-25 KM. Should be excellent out there.
I may go set some fresh track here in just a bit, maybe not.