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Welcome New Skiers! 

Why should I pay to cross country ski?

It’s true, you can cross country ski or snowshoe down at the end of the road, in the local park, or nearly anywhere there is snow. If it helps you ski more often, then we recommend you ski in those convenient places. But treat yourself to the difference groomed trails at a ski center can make! 

Here’s what you can expect at Ole’s:


Groomed Trails – we pack the snow down to make skiing easier. Grooming is addictive because it allows your skis to glide. Groomed trails release your skis to glide. Now you are covering distance with far less effort. It is the difference between walking and riding a bicycle. Gliding through the winter landscape is exhilarating and can be habit-forming!


Mapped and Marked Trails – at Ole’s there are 30 miles of trails to try. When you buy a Trail Pass, you will receive a Trail Map to help you understand the area. Trail markers along the way will let you know where you are and when to turn, as you discover Ole’s great scenery for yourself.

Heated Indoor Restrooms – says it all

Day Lounge – relax, regroup and enjoy the views. Get a snack or an entire meal from our Deli and enjoy it here. Often guests use the Day Lounge to wait for those skiing longer. Couples take turns skiing: one skis while the other takes care of children. There is wireless access. We do not sell alcoholic beverages.

Plowed Parking – means less worries finding a place to park, getting stuck, or trespassing. At Ole’s, you are our guest.

What are Ole’s trails like?

Ole’s Cross Country features easy terrain near the ski center where you will start. This is ideal for families and new or occasional skiers. Half of Ole’s trails are in the fields and half are in the forest. 30% of trails are rated easy, 50% are rated intermediate, meaning should be able to turn and stop your skis, and 20% are difficult. The difficult trails are farthest from the ski center. 

Can I bring my dog with me on the trails at Ole’s? 

We do not allow dogs on the trails because all the land our trails cross are privately owned. Many property owners are also dog owners. The resident dogs raise a ruckus when the new dog runs through. 

Do you rent skis?

Yes, Ole’s rents complete sets of ski gear: skis, boots, and poles by the day or half day. No reservations are required or taken for rentals, which are done on a first come first serve basis. Our modern Rossignol rental fleet even allows the choice of more stable skis or faster-gliding skis. Our rental boots go up over the ankle for better support and warmth. If you have not tried cross country skiing for years, you will be amazed at how well the boots now control the skis and how easy skiing now feels. 

Do you rent larger boot sizes?

Yes, our rental fleet goes up through Size 14.

Do you rent Ski Skating gear at Ole’s?

Yes, we rent Rossignol skating skis in all sizes. Ole’s is a great place to try skating on skis because the terrain near the ski center is gentle. We suggest taking a ski skating lesson to help you get started right. Skating on skis is the fastest way to travel cross country. It is also a terrific workout for those looking to stay in shape for cycling or running. 

Do you rent kids ski gear?

Absolutely. We have a really good selection of kid’s gear at Ole’s. This includes classic waxless skis and skating skis. 

When can my child start cross country skiing?

Children can play on skis starting about age 5. By age 7 or so, they may be interested in investigating nearby trails.

Do I need to take ski lessons?

You don’t need to take a ski lesson to ski at Ole’s because cross country skiing is based on natural movements. However taking just one lesson will really help you get started right. In a lesson you will learn to turn and stop your skis. In cross country skiing we ski up the hills, so climbing skills are taught. Skiing on groomed trails is not walking on skis. It is about learning to glide on skis- a very pleasant motion. Ole’s instructors make learning new ski skills fun. A ski lesson is a worthwhile investment in your skiing future. 

Reserve your lesson time by calling 802-496-3430 or email Lessons are usually taught at 10AM and 1PM, but we can make exceptions. Rarely are more than 6 people in a Group Lesson here. Private Lessons are available. 

What is ski skating?

Ski Skating is a faster, more aerobic form of cross country skiing. Using the leg motions of the ice skater and the arm poling of the cross country skier, ski skaters are able to skate uphill and down at higher speeds. Those who feel cross country skiing is too slow or dull have not tried ski skating on a packed trail.

Ski skating is terrific winter training for cycling and any other aerobic sport. And it is a lot more fun than stationary bicycling or running on slush and ice.

What should I wear for cross country skiing?

Most days you don’t need to dress as warm as is necessary for downhill skiing because you will not be sitting on a ski lift. Cross country skiing is a whole body exercise, so you will stay warmer than you might imagine. Bring what you now own and we can help you decide what will work best. 

Here are some general guidelines:

REDUCE COTTON in your outfit. Cotton gets wet and stays wet. Jeans for instance can be pretty uncomfortable when wet and don’t allow much freedom of movement.

DRESS IN LAYERS and you can easily add or remove a layer. Your base layer could be a fabric that wicks perspiration away from the skin. A mid layer sports top of light fleece or other sports fabric can then be covered by an outer layer wind shell or vest. Uninsulated sports pants or tights work best over the base layer for keeping legs comfy.

GLOVES for cross country are lighter and more breathable than downhill ski gloves. On colder days, mittens work well.

HAT or headband is essential in all but the warmest weather. A design that covers your ears will be better in cooler weather. Heavy wool hats may be too warm.

SOCKS should not be cotton. A medium weight athletic sock works for most people. Bring an extra pair if you can. Modern cross country ski boots, like our rental boots, should keep your feet warm with one pair of socks.   

Ole’s Ski Shop sells a wide variety of ski clothing we know will work. Hats, gloves, jackets, pants, and socks are all available right here. Clothing we sell is also useful for snowshoeing, winter walking, running, etc.

Is Ole’s really located at an airport?

Yes, Ole’s is located at the Warren-Sugarbush Airport, which is on a plateau 1500 feet high. The airport runway is closed from November 1 to May 1 and its all about skiing and snowshoeing. We have been here for thirty-plus years because the snow, trails, and views here are exceptional. Sugarbush Airport is a glider port and offers glider rides during the summer and fall. 

See you at Ole’s! 

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